Circular Economy

Use Veriflux360™ to showcase how your renewable products are derived from your own waste streams

View Product Origin

Veriflux360’s traceability reports make it easy to see the points of origin behind any batch of product, no matter how complex the supply chain.

How do we do it? As transactions are recorded across the supply chain, suppliers transfer custody of their data same as their inventory. This creates a traceability chain showing where your product originated.

Trace Blended or Transformed Products

Traceability can be difficult when you’re talking about only a single product type. What happens when you add blended or transformed materials to the equation? Not much.

With Veriflux360™, companies can take product in their inventory and mix it to create blended product, or transform it to create derivative products. The resulting product carries the traceability information from the source materials, ensuring that no data is lost.


Map Circular Supply Chains

Supply chains aren’t always linear, so why does your data flow need to be?

Veriflux360’s network builder allows users to map out their supply chains, and assume multiple roles within the supply chain. For example, a waste generator can be both a feedstock point of origin and a consumer of a renewable product from that same waste stream.

With Veriflux, you can make circularity a reality, and showcase your circle story and the data behind it.

Start your circularity journey today