EPA Recordkeeping

Are you a fuel producer or RIN generator under RFS? Veriflux can serve as your third-party recordkeeping solution.

EPA recordkeeping

View Received Feedstock

Suppliers can record provided feedstock in Veriflux, where you can view all your received feedstock in a single dashboard.

Feedstock (Separated Food Waste, Biogenic Fats and Oils) collection records and all other required documentation are assigned to each transaction. You can require these records to be fully visible, or allow them to be provided in an anonymized format (to protect Confidential Business Information). Veriflux will ensure they are made available to auditors, as required by RFS.

Filter transactions by data elements (feedstock type, supplier, PO, BOL), and use Veriflux to easily calculate if you have all the data on-hand to be compliant with the RFS recordkeeping requirements.

Report Data to QAP Auditors

Provide auditors with an easy and seamless way to get the recordkeeping data required for RFS compliance.

Recordkeeping data that can be made available to approved auditors includes point of origin or collection information, transaction details, supporting documentation, and end-to-end traceability reports.

Add Auditor

Start your recordkeeping journey today